Now You Can Delete Those Troll Comments In Bulk On Instagram (1)

Now You Can Delete Those Troll Comments In Bulk On Instagram

After Facebook, Instagram has the most active users. Now we can see that all social media influencers and celebrities have their account on Instagram. If we see that in online trolling Instagram is on the top. You can see that so many people on Instagram getting trolled by offensive comments and bad posts.

Instagram is rolling out new update in that people can easily delete comments in bulk. This feature is not available on any other platform. So once this feature is out everyone can delete troll comments from their profile in one click.

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How to Delete Comments in Bulk on Instagram?

Now You Can Delete Those Troll Comments In Bulk On Instagram
Now You Can Delete Those Troll Comments In Bulk On Instagram

Earlier Instagram has announced that in the upcoming update there will be few major changes which can help users to delete comments in bulk. On Tuesday Company has said,

“We are launching a new feature to help people manage multiple unwanted interactions at once. We know it can feel overwhelming to manage a rush of negative comments, so we’ve been testing the ability to delete comments in bulk, as well as block or restrict multiple accounts that post negative comments,”

Here is the step by step guide how to delete comments on Instagram in bulk?

On iOS:-

To use the feature on iOS, click on comment and then on the dotted icon at the top right corner. There select Manage comments and choose 25 comments and delete at once. Now, to block or restrict accounts in bulk click on “More Options”.

On Android:-

To restrict or block accounts on Android press and hold on the comment and click on the dotted icon and choose Block or restrict.

Before this also Instagram has tried to control trolling by deleting offensive posts and profile which usually troll others for no reasons.

Not only this now all users will have more access to their profile posts and stories. For this company has said that,

“You can choose whether you want everyone, only people you follow or no one to be able to tag or mention you in a comment, caption or Story,”

Maybe the beta users will get to experience something new where they can easily pin comments to post.

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